Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “save money”
5 Easy Ways to Save Money in the New Year
Happy New Year! The start of a new year usually brings people out to gyms and fitness centers as they (try to) follow their New Year’s resolution of losing weight, getting fit, or becoming stronger. By the time February rolls around, many of those same people have abandoned that New Year’s goal. So for 2018, why not try a resolution that you can really stick to all year? We’re going to show you several ways to save that will keep cash in your wallet.
How to Manage Your Monthly Household Budget
Mortgage, food, utilities, day care, car payment… the list of expenses each month is never ending! If you’re having trouble keeping your typical household costs on target, you might find it easier to create a monthly household budget to keep track of expenses.
Having a budget for every month is a simple way to see how much the breadwinners are bringing in and how much is going out to pay for items and services.
How To Save Ink and Paper When Printing Out Coupons
Are you a coupon printer? While printing coupons at home can save you money in the store it could be costing you more money in ink and paper than you are saving. But don’t worry! There is no need to stop printing coupons– you just need to make sure you are printing smart. Below are four tips that will help you reduce the cost of coupon printing at home and keep you saving money.
Changing Your Font Can Save You Money On Ink
Image Found At: Does your printer go through ink rapidly? Before taking it out on the machine or the ink cartridges, ask yourself what fonts you are using.
We all like to get a little crazy with our font choices every now and again, but doing so can actually cause ink cartridges to run dry faster. perfomed a test where they printed documents with a varity of popular fonts to see which font choice used the least amount of ink.
Create and Print Your Own Business Cards At Home
Want to save money by creating and printing your own business cards at home? Good news– it is not as hard as you might think!
One of the main things to consider when setting out to create your own business cards is the content featured on the card. A business card is a form of professional marketing material. It needs to communicate both your brand and relevant information. Take time to plan out what information is best to be included on your card.
Sneaky ways to save money on printing
One of the biggest office expenses a small business has to keep track of is the cost of printing. The cost of ink alone can add up if not properly managed. But we’ve come up with a few easy strategies your office can use to significantly reduce this cost.
Teach the office good printing practices: Create a company culture that is thoughtful about how much material is used in printing.