Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Re-manufactured Ink Cartridge”
How To Fix Common Printer Problems
To keep your printers performing at the highest quality, it is important to keep up with regular
maintenance. Most problems with printing arise as a result of neglect. Common issues include blocked or clogged cartridges and printheads, which can reduce the quality of your prints. Luckily, there are some really simple solutions for this problem. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out!
Clogs in the Printhead Most commonly seen in inkjet printers, there can sometimes be clogs in the nozzle dropouts within the printer itself.
7-step process of Re-manufactured ink and toner cartridges
Fact! On average, you spend more than $5,000 per liter on ink and toner cartridges. That’s more than a vintage bottle of champagne or expensive perfume; and you thought gas prices are bad? It’s no secret that ink and toner cartridges cost a lot more than their compliment. It’s called the “loss leader model,” and this is how companies profit. Cheaper the printer, the more expensive the cartridge. Purchasing re-manufactured printer cartridges is considered the best way to save without reducing your print load.