Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “cheap printing”
How You Can Save Money with Cheap Ink Cartridges
Despite what original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) tell you, discount printer ink doesn’t lead to poorer printing or copying results. Remanufactured ink cartridges and compatible ink cartridges are just as good as OEM ones. Many types of customers are consistently pleased with using non-OEM ink to print everyday documents, tax reports, professional photos, marketing materials, and much more. Keep reading to learn how to get your ink cartridges cheap without sacrificing quality.
Printable crafts to do with your children
Summer vacation from school is well underway. Keeping your kids occupied all summer can be a daunting task–especially on rainy days when going outside isn’t an option. Instead of popping in a movie, turn on your household printer! There are a ton of crafts you can do using your printer that will keep your kids busy and encourage creativity. We have put together a list of our favorites to get you started.
Changing Your Font Can Save You Money On Ink
Image Found At: Does your printer go through ink rapidly? Before taking it out on the machine or the ink cartridges, ask yourself what fonts you are using.
We all like to get a little crazy with our font choices every now and again, but doing so can actually cause ink cartridges to run dry faster. perfomed a test where they printed documents with a varity of popular fonts to see which font choice used the least amount of ink.
Sneaky ways to save money on printing
One of the biggest office expenses a small business has to keep track of is the cost of printing. The cost of ink alone can add up if not properly managed. But we’ve come up with a few easy strategies your office can use to significantly reduce this cost.
Teach the office good printing practices: Create a company culture that is thoughtful about how much material is used in printing.