Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Card Stock”
Use Your Printer For PaperCraft
Looking for a new hobby? Check out Papercraft. This is hobby great for children and adults. It allows you to be creative, practice hand eye coordination and use your printer!
Papercraft is the art of taking paper and using it to create three dimensional objects. A pattern is printed from your home printer onto printer paper. It is advised that you use a heavy paper such as card stock when printing out your patterns.
How to Design and Print Your Own Card Game
Playing a card game is a fun social activity to do with others and is also a great way to exercise your mind. There are a multitude of traditional card games available to play–but why not use your imagination and create your own? This is a great chance to make up your own rules as well as use your creativity to design your own set of playing cards.
Basic things you will need:
Choosing the Correct Materials For Printing Your Own Business Cards
Image found at: After spending time and energy to carefully design your business card, you will be excited to start handing them out. But, there is one final step in the creation process: printing. Before clicking print you will need to pick out printing materials that meet your business card needs.
Choosing Your Card Stock It is important choose the appropriate printing materials to increase your cards ascetic. You could print your business card on just regular computer paper, however a more professional approach would be to use business card stock paper.