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Tags: 3D printing

image from Why You Need a 3D Printer for Your Home

Why You Need a 3D Printer for Your Home

Katy S

In January 2009, the BfB RapMan 3D printer became the first commercial 3D printer available for sale. Since then, the 3D printing industry has flourished, with 80,000 desktop 3D printers sold in 2013, 160,000 sold in 2014, and 275,000 in 2015.

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Jul 25, 20163 min read
image from DIY Home Improvement with 3D Printing

DIY Home Improvement with 3D Printing

Denise Resendez

For those of you who enjoy DIY home improvement projects, we have some great tips. First, you can change the layout of your furniture in any room.

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Jul 21, 20154 min read
image from Can A 3D Printer Be A Vital Part Of Our Lives?

Can A 3D Printer Be A Vital Part Of Our Lives?

Denise Resendez

For many of us, 3D printing may be just something we hear about on the news or online articles when checking our e-mails. We know they are capable of doing great things like building houses for people to live in, and small (often novel) things like a Grumpy Cat figurine.

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Mar 23, 20154 min read
image from Will 3D Printing Pen Become a Household Staple?

Will 3D Printing Pen Become a Household Staple?

Denise Resendez

Drawing with 3D pens is a little like creating things out of thin air, isn’t it? You glide your hand and out appears your drawing just as you imagined.

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Mar 16, 20155 min read
image from Why You Should Care About 3-D Printing

Why You Should Care About 3-D Printing

Denise Resendez

Photo by: MakerBot Industries We have spoken about 3D printing and 3-D printers before; about the various applications that are possible right now, and about some amazing things that could become a reality in future.

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Jan 06, 20154 min read
image from Fun Facts about 3D Printing

Fun Facts about 3D Printing

Andrew Yeung

3D printing has opened up a vast number of possibilities not just for designers and innovators but also for the regular people. Just think about it, with 3D printing we can create actual objects just at the touch of a button!

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Sep 10, 20144 min read
image from 3D Printing — What Is It, And What Can We Do With It?

3D Printing — What Is It, And What Can We Do With It?

Andrew Yeung

Three-dimensional printing is causing a huge buzz in the technology world, and was celebrated by Forbes as a potential world-changing invention. However, 3D printing isn’t printing in the traditional sense of ink on paper; to understand the close-to-perfected invention of 3D printing you’ll need to rethink “printing” as you know it.

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Nov 12, 20123 min read