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Your Kids Will Scream for These Cheap Summertime Activities


cheap summertime activitiesSchool is out and summer is here. For parents, that means finding fun things for their kids to do. If your child isn’t in camp or daycare for the whole summer, it can be hard keeping them occupied while making sure they don’t become Dennis the Menace! Kid-friendly summer activities don’t have to be expensive either. We have several cheap summertime activities your kids will appreciate.

Kid-Friendly, Cheap Summertime Activities That Won’t Break the Bank

Outdoor Activities

Do you leave near a beach? The seashore is an inexpensive family-friendly destination if you live close by. Most children (and adults) love playing at the beach, from building sandcastles to riding waves.

Why not teach your little guy or girl how to fish? A stream, river, bay, or lake is perfect for showing kids how to fish or even crab. The lake can also be fun for older kids to participate in water sports. Most large lakes have Jet Ski outfitters. Just make sure any time you are near water that your children are wearing life vests. Adults should too (and it sets a good example for the kiddies).

Spending the day at a local park opens up lots of entertaining possibilities. Neighborhood parks tend to be free while county parks typically cost a minimal amount per car or per day. Try packing a nutritious picnic lunch before you go—get your kids to help in the kitchen. Then, bring soccer balls, baseball equipment, or whatever sports gear your kids want. You could also organize a treasure hunt at the park. Your tots will have fun running around and will probably thoroughly exhaust themselves so they sleep soundly later that night.

If your children are old enough, a long(ish) bike ride is an enjoyable way to spend time together when the weather is pleasant. Involve your kids in the planning; they can map the route.

Another outdoor suggestion ideal for summer is to organize a community activity. Assemble softball, Frisbee, or kickball teams with a group of parents and kids in your neighborhood, and find a park where you can meet regularly. You can schedule games each week or every other week. You’ll get to know your neighbors, and your kids will look forward to playing with their friends.

Whatever cheap outdoor summer activity your family plans on doing, wear sunblock and a hat or visor. The best type of sunscreen is a physical blocker so think zinc.

Indoor Ideas

If it’s raining or just too hot outside, your first thought may be “oh no, what am I going to do with my rambunctious kids?!” Adolescents will most likely find something to do on their own. You need to worry about the little ones. And we’ve got you covered!

Invest in a few board and card games if you don’t have some already. Yes, kids are digital these days. But when you want family time, video games won’t cut it. And board games are cheap. Some of the best games are the classic ones: Monopoly, Battleship, Life, Sorry!, Chutes and Ladders, and UNO. Here are a few more and various new ones.

There are so many DIY projects you can do with your kids. We wrote about making dioramas, bookmarks, and cards before.

You can also try a bunchof printable projects using our ink cartridges. Get creative with transfer paper. Let your child choose the image or graphic. Then print it out using the transfer paper and iron the paper on to your desired material. Cotton, polyester, or cotton-blend fabric works best with iron-on transfer paper.

Did you ever make forts when you were a young ‘un? For some reason, kids play more quietly inside their fort! Help them set up the fort and then stock it inside with books and snacks. Your kids could be occupied for hours.

How are you spending time with your family this summer? Do you have your own favorite cheap summertime activities? We want to know! Share your stories below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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