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What To Do With Your Used Ink Cartridges


We have all been in this situation before: Your printer is telling you that is time to replace your ink cartridge. Knowing you don’t have one at home, you chuck your old one into the trash out of frustration. But don’t do it! Before chucking your used cartridge in the trash…Stop. Ink cartridges are not biodegradable and therefore if not disposed of properly can have a negative impact on the environment. The good news is that ink cartridges are recyclable!

How to Recycle Old Cartridges

Most ink cartridges have the capability to be refilled. This is the case for both inkjet and laser toner cartridges. The refilling process is simple– the empty cartridge is removed from the printer and filled with fresh ink. You can either refill the ink yourself or take the cartridge to a printing service center. If you opt to fill the cartridge yourself, it is important that you take the time to study how to do so. Consider having your cartridge refilled for the first time at a service center. The staff at the center can show you how to go about refilling your cartridges properly so that in the future you are capable of doing the refill yourself. In addition, make sure you have the correct type of ink on hand and that you are using ink compatible with the cartridge.

Another option for your empty cartridge would be to recycle the cartridge itself. Parts of used ink cartridges can be used when creating new cartridges. When recycled, the entire cartridge is checked for damages. Pieces that are undamaged are cleaned and combined with other recycled pieces to create a new ink cartridge. These cartridges are then able to be sold at a lower price than cartridges made completely from newly manufactured parts. Check with your local print shops about where you can drop off your old cartridges for recycling. You can purchase these refurbished cartridges at some retail stores and online.

Whether you choose to refill or recycle, your company will be not only reducing your carbon footprint, but will also be saving some money on the cost of printing. What are some other things your company does to increase recycling?

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 1-year guarantee of quality, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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