toner cartridge, I must add that although these are all personal views, many will have been built on what they are led to believe through Brand company’s, rather than on their own personal experiences. To understand the compatible cartridge you will have had to use one, just to see how beneficial they can be both for your printer and also through saving you copious amounts of money over time.
The prices of OEM toner cartridges and even normal inkjet cartridges have always been expensive, and over the last few years they have continued to grow in price, with no signs of ever becoming cheaper. Toner cartridges are also much more expensive than your average inkjet cartridges, so when these two facts are combined we can see how expensive it can be using OEM toner cartridges.
If you use your printer on a regular basis, this can lead to a massive expense each month, due to using your printer, a task that for many people you cannot run away from. One option to save money, is to use the compatible toner cartridge, however as mentioned there are many myths, that attempt to downplay the many benefits they have to offer.
The biggest myth of them all is that apparently compatible cartridges are just cheap replacements to the OEM cartridge. Some of this myth is true, as the fact is they are cheaper alternatives; however this does not mean the quality is affected. Many people seem to think that because the price is much lower, that the quality of the cartridge is affected greatly, and therefore this can lead you believe you will not gain the desired results.
Again this is not true, all compatible cartridges, have been engineered to provide you with a perfect quality service. The service provided can easily match the specifications of OEM cartridges and in many instances, as they are a re-design, they can actually provide a better service.
The second myth is that it has been said on many occasions that the use of a compatible ink or toner cartridges will void the warranty of your printer. This again is just another myth that has taken to the mainstream over the years. The truth is that in fact, there are laws passed, which mean a manufacturer cannot force you purchase certain supplies. This means that there can be no way that your printer warranty can be made void, just because you have not purchased a genuine ink or toner cartridge from the brand company itself.
About the Author: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 100% customer satisfaction, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.
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