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Recent Change to Google Algorithm


For business owners and webmasters charged with the task of maintaining a web presence, Google’s recent introduction of the Panda algorithm could spell big changes for one’s method of operation. By definition, an algorithm is a logical sequence of steps for solving a problem that can be translated into a computer program. Admittedly, the definition leaves many people begging the question, “so, what’s the problem?” The answer is simple - content farms and spam sites.

So, what does this mean exactly? Well, recent news headlines confirm that Google is taking measures to prevent the continuation of content farming — thereby improving the opportunity of legitimate site owners to increase their web page rankings. Google made the algorithm announcement a little over four weeks ago, confirming their substantial changes. In most cases, Google algorithm changes go unnoticed by the general public. However, the upcoming amendments will have a big effect on roughly 12 percent of all Internet searches in the United States. Twelve percent translates to massive numbers when compared to the millions upon millions of searches that take place every day.

Content farming is generally described as the publication of websites with shallow or low quality content. The algorithm change will also have an impact on sites that do not contain original content, but instead pull stolen content from other websites. This type of site has become known as a “scraper site.” Most of the time, content farm and scraper sites are designed to maximize page rank within a certain keywords set, while foregoing the development and publication of quality content. And more often than not, the goal of these sites is to lure consumers in order to turn a profit. Both types of site have becoming increasingly irritating to the average Internet user, and major search engines are starting to take notice.

The Google algorithm amendment began in January of 2010. At that point, engineers at Google were already concerned about content farming and scraper sites, but were at a loss as to how to correct the problem. One search engine took measures to block sites that its users reported as being spam sites. The search engine gained a lot of attention and notoriety, not to mention praise, for making efforts to protect Internet users. And now some people believe that the action taken by said search engine prompted Google get serious about making changes.

In short, website owners and webmasters who have developed a habit of simply regurgitating unoriginal content, or stuffing a spam site with key words just to gain page rank, will find themselves on the receiving end of a Google “spring cleaning” session. As a result, many website owners will turn to professionals to get help for improving the content of their web pages. And given the fact that so many people will be affected by the algorithm change, it’s safe to say that the face of the Internet (at least on the part of Google) will be changed forever. All in all, the change will change the way many people surf the web, and will likely mean big benefits for webmasters running high quality websites. No more competing for page rank with websites that offer no beneficial content, and no more spam sites that waste time.

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 1-year guarantee of quality, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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