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Make Every Day Earth Day


While there are great ways to celebrate Earth Day this Saturday, April 22, we should be incorporating Earth-friendly practices in our daily lives. Earth Day shouldn’t be one day—we should uphold the values of this special day every day. So by all means, go out and volunteer, attend rallies and events, and educate yourself this Saturday. But use Earth Day as the foundation to start practicing more sustainable living every day of the week.

Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day


Cut your carbon footprint by biking or walking to work, or when you’re doing errands in your neighborhood. Start out by doing it once a week on a nice, not-too-hot day. Then commit to two or three days a week. Or make a pact to bike during the best season where you live. If you’re in a warm climate, it might be more enjoyable to bike during the fall or winter months. The reverse holds true for those living in cooler climates.

But not everyone can walk or bike to work. You might live too far away from the office or it just isn’t safe enough, If that’s the case, then look into public transportation or car pooling. You’ll still reduce your carbon footprint.


If you don’t already recycle at your home or business, now is the time to start! Most communities offer some form of recycling. Single-stream recycling tends to be the easiest since you don’t have to separate materials. Throw newspapers, plastic bottles, cardboard, and more all in one recycling container. Check your local resource recovery or waste management department for details on how to recycle in your neighborhood.

For those of you living in an apartment, see if your property management has recycling bins. If they don’t, work with them on setting up a recycling program. You can contact your local trash and recycling service to get started.

The same process applies to your office. If you don’t already recycle at your office, check with building management first to find out if recycling is available in your building.

Take recycling a step further and buy recycled products. Most local big box stores sell recycled printer paper, paper towels, and other paper goods. You want to buy a paper product that is made of 100% recycled post-consumer paper. Or look for the FSC-certified seal, which maintains that the paperwas “sourced in an environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable manner.”

Native Plants

Ditch that manicured lawn in favor of natural landscaping. Native plant habitat restoration supports wildlife much more so than a “perfect” lawn laden with pesticides. As the National Audubon Society says, “By creating a native plant garden, each patch of habitat becomes part of a collective effort to nurture and sustain the living landscape for birds and other animals.” You can find which plants are native to your area by using their database.

Invest Wisely

Pay attention to your investments. Many related companies are typically bundled in mutual funds and 401k plans. If you don’t check which companies are in your chosen plan, you may be investing in a business that is detrimental to the environment. If you care about the Earth, you need to care where your money is invested.

Spend Sensibly

Sticking with the money theme, you should also try buying wisely. Do you really need another pair of shoes or a new phone? In the United States, we tend to buy indiscriminately. If you want something but don’t really need it, then don’t buy it. And when you do buy products, do your research. How are those designer jeans made? Would it be better to shop for gently used clothing at vintage or thrift stores?

If you want some other simple but powerful tips to honor Earth Day, check out hereand here.

Do you have any easy eco-friendly tips on leading a more environmentally friendly life? Share below or on Facebook and Twitter.

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