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How To Store Your Unopened Ink Cartridges


We have a lot of awesome deals going on at CompandSave and at times it seems tempting and practical to stock up on ink cartridges in advance. But, you question if it is a good idea to store unused cartridges for a long period of time. Good news, we give you the green light to go ahead and buy cartridges in advance!

However, we want you to know how to store and care for your extra cartridges to ensure that when you go to use them they work and do not cause damage to your printer.

If possible do not remove cartridges from their original packaging. This packaging is designed to protect your cartridges and is the best possible way to store them. If you need to remove them from the packaging for any reason or if the seal on the package is broken, find something else to store them in. Do not leave cartridges sit around unprotected.

Do not store ink cartridges in a place that is extremely warm and keep them out of direct sunlight. Warm temperatures may increase the pressure inside the ink cartridge which causes the ink to expand and eventually leak. As a precaution never store inks of different colors together– if one leaks, you can lose both cartridges. Ideally, you want to store ink in an environment that is between 40-80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in an environment that causes room temperatures to be really high you can store your cartridges in the refrigerator inside a sealed Ziploc bag. Another way to prevent leaks is to store cartridges with the print head facing upwards.

If you follow the instructions above buying cartridges in advance should not be an issue. If you have any questions about cartridges you purchase through CompandSave please call our customer service center. Our agents are happy to advise you on how to care for your cartridges and answer any questions you may have.

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 1-year guarantee of quality, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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