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How Recycling Printer Cartridges Makes a Difference


recycle ink and toner cartridges

There is no doubt that plastics, and their various applications, have revolutionized the way we live. It has increased our comfort and convenience manifold. Yet, it is also a fact that the disposing of plastics presents one of biggest challenges of modern living. Discarded cartridges ending up in landfills, is no solution. So what is? And how can your used cartridges help feed the poor?

Recycling and our Fundraiser

As a company we are environmentally conscious, and are always striving to make a difference to the problem of plastic waste disposal. Our Ink Cartridge Recycling Program is the result of this. Earlier this year, we launched this program to both recycle cartridges and help raise money to feed the hungry.

We’ve been asking you to mail us your empty ink and toner cartridges. We recycle these for you by sending bulk quantities to, who pays for these cartridges. In turn, the money we collect from this recycling program goes to . This is a nonprofit devoted to feeding the hungry (read more about our Food for the Poor program).

What is

FoodForThePoor is a nonprofit dedicated to providing food, housing, emergency relief to “the poorest of the poor”. Particularly, in the Latin American and Caribbean regions. This organization also strives to meet the physical and spiritual needs of underprivileged families. They do this by providing clean drinking water, homes, food and the opportunity to lead a better, more dignified life.

The result so far? FoodForThePoor has fed millions, built over one hundred thousand housing units, and provided $11 billion in aid. They have been key in changing many lives for the better. Please check out these inspiring and heartwarming stories from real people FoodForThePoor has helped:

Maudiel in Nicaragua lived in a shack held together with sticks, palm fronds and plastic which flood each time it rained. Thanks to, Maudiel now lives in a proper home – beautiful, solid and safe for him and his entire family.

Choupette, living in Grand Boulage, Haiti had to face a daily struggle gathering water for her family. A treacherous road led to parasite and feces infested water. Choupette and her community now have their own reservoir that collects rainwater. They no longer have to struggle for water and Choupette isn’t sick all the time.

Wilson, living in Guatemala was severely malnourished at age 2. His parents barely earned enough to keep everyone fed. Wilson eventually had his stomach infested with parasites and his hair was falling out. Thanks to a stint at a Food For The Poor-supported nutritional center, Wilson is now a healthy, active little boy.

Bibi and her children lived in a zinc shack. Junick in rural Haiti lived in a crumbling, treacherous dwelling with her two children and mother. Leisha and her two little kids lived in a dilapidated coal shed in Jamaica. Their lives were also changed thanks to kind donors from the Food For The Poor organization. Which made it possible for new, safe, secure homes to be given to them.

There are countless other such stories where the efforts of Food for the Poor have managed to transform lives for the better. Literally, giving families and communities a new lease of life. We like to think that thanks to you, our readers and customers, our contribution to this nonprofit also helps to make a difference to someone out there. We hope you to send in your empty cartridges, so we can make a difference – to landfills and to the hungry people in the world!

donate empty printer cartridges

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