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Extend the life of your Compatible Ink Cartridges


If you currently own a printer then one of most painful times in your life, will be the time when your ink cartridges dry up and refuse to work for you anymore. If you use the genuine types of ink cartridge then this time can be even more of a challenging affair. Genuine ink cartridges simply cost just too much money in the world we live in today; however there is now an alternative to these overpriced items.

The compatible ink cartridge is now becoming the number one choice for the consumer when it comes to changing the source of ink from within a printer. In recent times there have been more people who have realised there potential, and now use them on a daily basis. The truth Is though that no matter how much money we save, we will always be looking at ways to benefit us even more. When we look at the ink cartridges that we use, it does not matter that we saved a large sum of money through not using the genuine ink cartridge, if we cannot make the compatible cartridge last just as long, or even longer.

There are certain tips that you can follow to ensure that you extend the life of your compatible ink cartridges. These are simple and easy to follow techniques, that even the newbie could perform if they were asked to . They are that simple that you just do not think of them when you use your printer, however the difference that they can make to the life of your ink cartridge is quite significant.

Look at the settings that your printer is currently configured to use, are you using high detailed prints for no reason, when you are only printing text documents? Are you printing in colour when you could easily get away with printing in monochrome colours? Also take into consideration that it is not only the printer that requires maintenance, as the ink cartridges you use will also require some maintenance to. Maintenance is simple on an ink cartridge, all you have to do, is ensure that the ink does not dry up. This can be achieved through using the printer on a regular basis, or of you do not do this then you can, just print at least once per week.

The HP PhotoSmart C7280 is a printer that you can use compatible ink cartridges with. They will work well with the printer to ensure that you receive only the finest results when you issue the order to print. Look to buy PhotoSmart C7280 ink online today and see just how well the compatible ink cartridge can perform.

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 1-year guarantee of quality, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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