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Epson Plans To Printing Improvements For Various Kinds Of Businesses


It is common knowledge that over the years printing technology has developed significantly and rapidly. Today, there are numerous options available for business owners when it comes to their printing. Some of the most important changes include reduction in printer size and the use of wireless controls that sync computers to printers automatically thus making it possible to send a print job to printer from virtually any place within a building.

But it goes beyond that as well. Printer ink cartridges have also seen dramatic changes that include lowered prices and increased reliability and quality. Much of this has been attributed to online printer ink cartridge and toner ink cartridge vendors who are able to offer exceptional quality replacements at a fraction of what OEM ink jet and toner cartridges cost.

As these changes take place, companies such as Epson are working hard to keep up with consumer demand for quality printing services. This means coming up with innovative ideas that solve problems that consumers and business owners face. In a recent announcement, Epson states that it has advanced its research in a variety of imaging technology areas in order to become the premier printer ink specialist in the entire field. This is a part of its invention of proprietary Micro Piezo technology.

It technology is a mechatronic inkjet technology which is capable of producing very high quality printing for both commercial and industrial applications. It offers this quality at a lower cost both in terms of dollars and in terms of environmental impact.

As part of its efforts, Epson’s SureLab premises have been able to eliminate more than 90 per cent of various chemicals that once were used in conventional labs. With its new technology, Epson is able to provide its customers with outstanding results in print color filters for LCD TVs, as well as in ink jet printed labels. Another important use for this new technology is in textile ink jet printing. Epson has already partnered with Como, an Italian company who is impressed with the speed and quality of the new printing used on its textile applications.

Epson also believes that its new ink jet technology will increase in popularity over time even though current laser technology is used by many companies across the globe. Even though laser printing has become the preferred technology by several companies, Epson is predicating there will be a dramatic shift in printing during the next few years which will have users turning to newer ink jet printing alternatives. This is making Epson consider its Piezo technology will become the leader as that change takes place.

According to Epson, its Micro Piezo print head is able to work at faster speeds than those found with laser printers (for smaller print jobs). The technology allows for immediate printing which is often not possible with laser printers. Information concerning the new Epson ink jet printing technology is available online and through the company’s website. For those looking for new alternatives to laser printing, this may be the solution.

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 1-year guarantee of quality, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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