Now that you’ve decided to ensure that no more of your used cartridges end up in landfills, wouldn’t you like to get more people on board? Here are some tips to popularize our printer cartridge reycling program with others:
Start by mentioned the life hacks mentioned above and go on to speak about our recycling program. Perhaps you could print out our Champions for the Poor page to hand around so that the idea stays with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Or you could do the really environment friendly thing and email them our Printer Cartridge Recycling Program Page even perhaps forward it to them via Whatsapp. You could share our recycling page via your Facebook or Twitter pages. The more the word gets around, the better the response will be.
We are happy to receive as many cartridges as possible from you and we are happy to do the recycling for you. Help us in reaching our 10,000 cartridge goal by shipping all your used cartridges to us at –
Attn: Cartridge Donations
38929 Cherry St.
Newark, CA 94560