cupcake toppers.
Giving a last-minute Easter gift? You can easily print pretty Easter gift tags in no time. (Just don’t forget to use fresh ink in your printer.)
In addition to printables, First Palette has a bunch of craft projects. Most are less than 10 steps. Below are a few of our favorites.
Peep, peep! Baby birds need a home. To build a nest for baby birds, you will need:
Get step-by-step instructions here.
A “carrot” cone holder can hold Easter candy and trinkets. Here’s what you will need:
See how to assemble it.
This hatched chick is too cute. The necessary materials are:
Read how to make this adorable little creature.
You can also craft a cotton bunny and many more charming designs at First Palette.
Why not check out some of the Easter games we’ve featured before? Besides the usual Easter egg hunt, swap the donkey for a rabbit in “pin the nose on the bunny.” Another fun, simple option is the “jellybean toss” in which kids toss as many jellybeans in a cup within a set time period. Take the fun outside and host an “egg on a spoon race.” Kids race to the finish line while balancing an egg on a spoon. Dropped eggs = disqualification. First one to cross the line with the egg intact on the spoon wins!
What fun family activities are you planning to do this Easter? Share below or on our social media.