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CompAndSave Infographic: Fighting Breast Cancer in Small Steps (Results of NBCF Fundraiser)


“Pink doesn’t yield, it survives!”

![National Breast Cancer Foundation Fundrasier ](/blog/images/1.png “We donated $13,168” to the National Breast Cancer Foundation!")

Small steps lead to big changes. We love this saying. After all, it was not with one, but everyone’s help, who participated in our fundraiser for the National Breast Cancer Foundation that allowed us to sign and a mail a check for $13,168 last October.

By working together through donations and social media sharing, we were able to help their “pink warriors” pay for mammograms and support their education and hope programs.

In honor of this great achievement, we made a “Pink Doesn’t Yield, It Survives!” infographic to share with everyone who put on their pink gloves and helped make this National Breast Cancer Foundation fundraiser successful.

Discover How Your Support Helped Fellow Pink Warriors

Did you know that the risk of breast cancer increases with age? Or that 85% of breast cancer occurs in women with no family history of it?

Numbers and facts like these usually aren’t common knowledge. That’s why the National Breast Cancer Foundation offers educational services to their pink warriors as well as mammogram help.

“The best way to fight breast cancer is to have a plan that helps you detect the disease in its early stages. An Early Detection Plan enables you to be proactive about your health by scheduling routine breast self-exams, clinical breast exams and mammograms, depending on your age and health history.” - National Breast Cancer Foundation

Your help didn’t stop there. Please look at our infographic below, and you’ll see exactly how your donations gave hope and spread awareness_:_

Fighting Breast Cancer CompAndSave Infographic

(Infographic Preview: Click here to visit interactive infographic)

Thank You For Helping!

So next time you think one small action won’t make a big difference, remember this campaign. It was with your help that we were able to donate $13,168 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation last October. Whether it was by liking our Facebook page, retweeting on Twitter, re-pinning our Pinterest images, or purchasing ink or toner on our site - we thank you.

Remember, October isn’t the only time of the year to fight against breast cancer. Help spread awareness by sharing this post with friends, family, and other loved ones.

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