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Are Printed Marketing Materials Dead?

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Thanks to the internet and our ability to be constantly connected to it, the possibilities for marketing have gone through the roof. However unlike video killing the radio star, the internet has not squashed the need for printed marketing materials. That is right, printed materials are still a huge part of marketing. However, they are only relevant if they are revamped to adapt to the internet age.

There are a couple of reasons why printed materials are still valuable–the first one being that people respond to tangible objects. Being able to hold something in their hands makes it more real to them. It also makes helps them build a connection with you and your brand.

The second is that materials such as business cards and postcards are easy to file away, or placed in a space where the consumer will come across them again–such as a refrigerator or a desk top. Emails are easy to close out of or delete! Even if there is an intention to go back to them, they get buried under other incoming messages– out of sight out of mind.

Lastly, why would you not want to hit all potential customers and not limit yourself to those who are tech savvy? Concentrating all of your marketing efforts online overlooks potential clients who do not use a computer or may not be able to navigate the web efficiently.

However, just because printed materials aren’t dead it doesn’t mean they don’t need to undergo some revamping. It is important that your printed materials are up to date and work cohesively with your online marketing efforts. Here are five ways to ensure both your printed efforts and online are looking sharp:

1. Be Cohesive- Create a cohesive look between your website, social media sites and printed materials. The color scheme of your printed materials should match the colors of your website. The logo should be the same. Do not use an older logo on your print material just because it is easier or because the printer already has it on file. Your audience should be able to look at your printed materials and make a connection with your website and vice versa.

2. Make Your Printed Material Eye Catching. Use technology to design something that grabs people’s attention. Just because you are sending out printed materials doesn’t mean they have to be bland and boring. Distributing well designed printed marketing material shows people that your company is not only professional but also modern and up to date.

3. Acknowledge Internet Presence- Include your web presence on printed materials. Make sure you say follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Include the link to your blog and website! A simple phrase such as “For more info visit us on…” will do the trick. The goal is to get your audience as engaged as possible. You might initially connect with them via print materials but have opportunities of future and more consistent engagement by encouraging them to connect with you on social media.

4. Coupons- Include a printed coupon but also let them know where they can get the coupon online so they can share with friends! If you already print it for them it saves them time and money. This is giving them something tangible and also letting them know where they can look to find further savings and updates from your company. People love freebies so coupons work wonders. Also taking the time to print the coupon so they don’t have to is showing you value them by saving them time and ink.

5. Mailing Sign Up- Have a place on your website where people can sign up for printed mailings as well as emails. Some people prefer to have items mailed to them the old fashion way–Nothing wrong with that. If you provide both it is a little extra effort on your part but it shows that you care about serving your customers in whatever capacity they are most comfortable with and that goes a long way.

What are some other ways you are combining your printed marketing materials with your online presence? What do you think about printed materials being “dead”? We would love to hear from you in the comments below.

About the authors: Andrew Yeung is president of CompAndSave, a leading online provider of premium printer ink cartridges, including remanufactured and compatible printer ink cartridges. With deals every month and a 100% customer satisfaction, CompandSave provides an easy way for people and businesses to purchase printer ink and accessories.

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